Stealing from a teacher can cause you to get arrested. If you have given something to a NPC that was not consumed, sometimes you can steal it back. Gives the NPC the item you are currently holding, and the character will use/hold that item. If the NPC has already spoken with another NPC, you will need to wait another 60 seconds. Selecting it will open a second option screen, where you can increase/decrease evaluation points. This option opens once every 60 seconds for students and once every 75 seconds for teachers.This can be done by going close enough to an NPC for a list of options to be displayed and pressing the corresponding control button. Players are allowed to interact with all NPCs. For some reason, the game time goes back to 14:30 after Sanitary Time, then Club time starts and lasts till 18:00.Sanitary Time starts at 14:30 and lasts 15 minutes (this just involves cleaning up the classroom).NPCs usually take this time to go to the cafeteria, burger shop or maid cafe. Lunchtime starts at 11:30 and ends at 13:00.Freetime occurs between every class and is the same duration as a class (30 in-game minutes).You can also teleport here by using the Move Menu. You can check if it is the correct classroom by going to the blackboard - it is the only classroom with an option to draw on the board, and also has a lighter on the floor nearby. The protagonists' home classroom is situated on the second floor above the sadoh class and closest to the school gate and has the number 3-1 outside the innermost door. All School Meeting (go to the gym and listen to the principal’s speech).Physical Measure (go to the infirmary and measure your height/weight).Normal Classes (attend a normal classroom with a teacher in it).This is a list of the classes that occur in the game. Teachers pay attention to students' intelligence levels and when met in the principal's room will often mention which student has the highest or lowest intelligence by stating "(Student's name) is the highest/lowest academic ability." At the start of the game they always say that about Rina Ii. If you sit through the class till the end, your intelligence will increase by 5. You can also attend class without Auto Mode by clicking X when you are near the seat in the class. If you click the button that says Auto Mode in setup, your character will move automatically and act like a normal NPC, attending classes and walking around the school. You can still elect to be a normal student in the game. (There is currently a glitch where burying Sakura or Naoko will result in her standing upright in a T-pose over the plot instead. Drag the body in before you continue, and 'Fill' until the plot is refilled. Pick up a shovel from the shed, go to one of the plots and dig until the next action changes from 'Dig' to 'Fill'. You can bury the body yourself by going to the garden behind the gym. If an NPC sees a dead body but does not see you actually kill them in person, they will run over, be distressed and bury the body. You can prevent this by carrying an NPC to an isolated area and killing them there. The text will show up on the screen indicating if you have been noticed and if the NPC is doing anything to stop you. Sometimes they will call reinforcements, other Sakuras, to the fight. They have guns and a helicopter which they use. If that NPC is Sakura (police), they will hunt you down and try to kill you.But beware, they might drag you to the prison.) (But it will not be game over if you change to auto mode just in time before they arrest you. If they reach you successfully, they will arrest you and it will be game over. If that NPC is a safety committee member or the school council president, or a teacher they will chase after you.If that NPC is a delinquent (Such as bad boy), they will chase and attack you until you die.If that NPC is a regular student or is from crowd, they will either run away to escape, warn the teachers or chase after and try to stop you.If you start trying to kill an NPC in front of another NPC, they will always notice. If Naoko heals the zombified Protagonist, the Protagonist will say the same line. If a classmate becomes a zombie and you heal them using the anti-zombie liquid or Naokos, they will say "What?" indicating they do not remember anything from when they were a zombie. They can accidentally kill another NPC instead of you. NPC's cannot kill other NPC's except for Sakura, Bad Boy, and Bad Girls, but only if they are chasing the player. The player can also give a pistol to their classmates to get the classmates to help you kill zombies. Killing any NPC besides Zombies can get the player in trouble with the Council, Teachers, or Sakuras. The player can find weapons at the front gate that can be used to kill any NPC.