Pastor yoda
Pastor yoda

She was the Co-Pastor & President of the Women's Ministry in Overcoming Faith Ministries, Ghana Christian Action Faith Ministries Cotonou and for Eglise Bethel, Benin. As a Co-Pastor, Bible Teacher, Missionary and Administrator she preached, taught and assisted various ministries, groups and churches in U.K, U.S, Benin, Ghana,Togo, Cote d'Ivore, Nigeria. Other churches they pastored and planted include Christain Action Faith Ministries, Cotonou & Zoketomey (Benin) respectively. Together, they founded and pastored Overcoming Faith Ministries, Ghana Eglise Bethel Charismatique, Benin. She's been pastoring and teaching since 1987 when she married Rev. She is a family woman, a mother of 4 (Ages 29 through 21 years ). She is also a Certified Nurse Support, Certified Medication Tech and a Geriatric Nursing Assistant. Her interest & experience in baby nursing and childcare is well over 28 yrs. She is also a Licensed Eucharist Minister & Eucharist Visitor. Business Administration) majoring in Project Management.

pastor yoda

She also graduated from the DeVry University (Arlington, VA.

pastor yoda

She has about 4 courses to complete a third Masters in Human Resource Management.

pastor yoda

Pastor yoda professional#

Ayettey) is an ordained Minister of the Gospel and a professional with two Masters Degrees ( Business Administration & Management) and (Project Management) from the Keller Graduate School of Management (Bethesda, MD & Crystal City, VA.

Pastor yoda